The PlayStation VR is finally here and I cannot wait to have a go and get some play-time with the thing.
With the recent release of the PlayStation Slim and Pro, the original “classic” version was dropped in price in the UK to an amazingly cheap £149. But it sold out in about a day… So needless to say I missed my chance. The PlayStation VR system looks pretty good, it’s reviewed reasonable well, and though it doesn’t quite have the high specs of the Oculus Rift or the HTC Vive, it is the cheapest device on the market. And often cheap devices will have the better adoption rate, and at £349 it is a steal compared to the £549 Rift.
However, after doing a little more research, I realised that the PSVR alone wasn’t enough to get me started… Sure I need a PlayStation, but with Oculus Rift I’d need a new, high-end PC, so I’m not counting that. I’m talking about the add-ons I’ll need to get the most from the PSVR. Initially, I didn’t realise, you need the PlayStation Eye camera to actually track your head movements in the PSVR, whereas the Rift comes with a small camera like device that picks up your location. I understand to a degree why it doesn’t come with it, as you may well own the PlayStation camera, so it makes sense it doesn’t come bundled, but I don’t feel they market it in a way that makes it clear you need to camera if you don’t already. Then you need the motion controllers, and while Sony says that most PSVR games will work with the traditional DualShock controller that comes with the PS4, all the reviews I’ve read indicate the experience is much better with the move motion controllers… They are pretty much a necessity.
So how much does it really cost?
Well, for me, it will be the price of the PSVR headset, the price of the controller dual-pack, and the PlayStation camera… from Amazon that is currently £457.98, or essentially £500 all in. And then places like GAME sell the camera for £44.99 and the move controllers will likely be more, also. So that is a little closer to the Oculus Rift. Although I guess the Rift doesn’t come with those special motion controllers yet either… Oh, the dilemma. First world problems, amirite?!
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